Bernhard Wulff
Bernhard Wulff 2010 Berlin

Bernhard Wulff
Bernhard Wulff and OTGO
Opening Ceremony: Gallery ZURAG Berlin
September 25, 2010

Bernhard Wulff and OTGO Opening Ceremony: Gallery ZURAG Berlin September 25, 2010
Bernhard Wulff and OTGO
Opening Ceremony: Gallery ZURAG Berlin
September 25, 2010

Bernhard Wulff

-- Text in German --

Bernhard Wulff (born 1948 in Hamburg) is a German composer, conductor, percussionist and musicologist.

Wulff studied conducting, composition and percussion in Hamburg, Freiburg, Basel and Siena and is professor for percussion instruments at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg.

He is active as a conductor in Europe, South America, the US, Japan, Central Asia and the successor states of the Soviet Union, and as a visiting professor at various universities, including New York (Juilliard School and Manhattan School of Music), Tokyo, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Mexico City, Rochester, Montevideo, Odessa, San Juan, Hanoi and

As a composer, he wrote for various genres and was particularly interested in sound art installations and Biosignalverarbeitun. In 1989, he discovered and reconstructed the symphonic works of Viktor Ullmann. Lecture tours as a musicologist on the Ullmann theme took him to many countries.

Wulff is the founder and artistic director of several international music festivals: Two Days and Two Nights of New Music in Odessa (Ukraine), Roaring Hooves in Mongolia/Gobi Desert, "Silk Sound Road" in Kyrgyzstan, "Caspian Fires" in Azerbaijan and "Cracking Bamboo" in Vietnam.

For his services to Mongolian culture, he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Ulaanbaatar in 2010 and was appointed cultural ambassador of Mongolia by the Mongolian government.

Roaring Hooves (Mongolian: Туурайн төвөргөөн)
is an international music festival in Mongolia

Freiburg Conservatory of Music
Hochschule für Musik Freiburg

SWR Der Südwestrundfunk
Schlagzeuger Bernhard Wulff: Konzerte in der Wüste Gobi
Der Schlagzeuger Bernhard Wulff ist Kulturbotschafter der Mongolei und leitet das Festival „Roaring Hooves“ in der Wüste Gobi. Wie das ist, in so unwirtlichen Regionen der Welt ein Festival zu organisieren und wie er zum einzigen nicht-mongolischen Schamanen wurde, erzählt er im Interview.

“Туурайн төвөргөөн” наадмын нээлт болов
Дэлхийн соёлын шилдэг 50 арга хэмжээний нэг “Туурайн төвөргөөн” олон улсын хөгжмийн их наадмын 17 дахь удаагийн нээлт өнөөдөр Монголын бурхан шашинтны төв Гандантэгчинлэн хийд дэх төр түмний их шүтээн Мигжид Жанрайсиг бурханы өмнөх талбайд боллоо. Тус наадмыг энэ жил Монголын бурхны шашин ба соёлын өв, түүхэн уламжлал, ёс заншлыг түгээн дэлгэрүүлэх зорилгын хүрээнд Монголын бурхан шашинтны төв Гандантэгчэнлин хийдтэй хамтран зохион байгуулж байгаа юм байна:



1000 Portraits
12 February 2021, Berlin

Mongolian Art