Death Worm byOtGO 2023, acryl
canvas 75 x 400 cm (olgoi-khorkhoi Олгой-Хорхой)
The Mongolian death worm (Mongolian: олгой-хорхой, olgoi-khorkhoi,
"large intestine-worm") is a creature alleged to exist in the Gobi
Desert. Investigations into the legendary creature have been pursued by
amateur cryptozoologists and credited academics alike, but there has
been little evidence found to support its existence. It can be
considered a Cryptid or a mythological animal.
Tales of the creature first came to Western attention as a result of
Roy Chapman Andrews's 1926 book On the Trail of Ancient Man. The
American paleontologist described second-hand tales of the monster that
he heard at a gathering of Mongolian officials: "None of those present
ever had seen the creature, but they all firmly believed in its
existence and described it minutely.
In 1983, a specimen of Tartar sand boa (Eryx tataricus) was shown to
locals who claimed to have seen "olgoi-khorkhoi" and they confirmed
that this was the same animal.
Detailed view: Mongolian
Death Worm - Олгой хорхой
Detailed view: Mongolian
Death Worm - Олгой хорхой
Detailed view: Mongolian
Death Worm - Олгой хорхой
Detailed view: Mongolian
Death Worm - Олгой хорхой
Detailed view: Mongolian
Death Worm - Олгой хорхой
Detailed view: Mongolian
Death Worm - Олгой хорхой
Detailed view: Mongolian
Death Worm - Олгой хорхой
Detailed view: Mongolian
Death Worm - Олгой хорхой